Common myths and facts that people normally have is acupuncture hurts. The acupuncture needles are as thin as your hair strand and it takes about 10 acupuncture needles to fill a medical syringe. Certain areas of the body may be more sensitive to the acupuncture needles than other areas like wrists, ankles, feet, scalp and ear.
Acupuncturists feel your pulse and look at your tongue to gain information about your state of health and plan a course of treatment based on these findings. With this information, your acupuncturist can individualize your treatment according to your needs.
Licensed acupuncturists attend a rigorous 3-4 year graduate program and complete over 2,000+ clinical internship hours and maintain their licensure with continuing education. Part of our education includes medical history gathering, safety, ethnics and recognition of when to refer patients to other healthcare providers.
Check out the rest here in this article, 10 Myths about Acupuncture