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Electro-Acupuncture: Is applied to inserted needles to stimulate the acupuncture points. Electro-acupuncture helps to promote the circulation of qi and enhances healing. It also helps to stimulate muscles and nerves and provides nutrients to damaged tissues through electro-acupuncture. In some cases, electro acupuncture works faster and greater stimulation than manual acupuncture and it helps with both acute and chronic conditions.
Tuina: A therapeutic form of massage applied to or around muscles and tendons. This method is used to treat muscle and joint pain, stiffness, sciatica, arthritis and muscle spasms. Tuina is often used to balance yin and yang in the body by getting rid of blockages that is due to illness, disease and emotional stress.
Moxibustion: A form of heat therapy in which a mugwort herb (Ai Ye) is burned near the surface of the skin. Moxibustion can be used to treat a variety of diseases such as skin conditions, chronic weaknesses, gynecological disorders and digestive disorders.
Chinese Herbs: Herbs help to treat the acute and chronic conditions such as killing the bacteria or a virus. It helps to maintain daily life by keeping the balance of the human body. Chinese Herbs can help with a wide range of issues such as pain, insomnia, digestive, respiratory, allergies, immune system, etc. by strengthening the body and helping it to recover.
Essential Oils: Different oils can help with healing effects mentally, physically, and emotionally. You can apply them directly onto your skin, inhaling, or use it through a diffuser.
Ear Acupuncture: Is commonly used to treat different types of addiction like smoking cessation, emotional/behavioral disorders and eating disorders. Within the ear, there are over 200 acupuncture points that represent the body itself. Practitioners often time use ear seeds to stimulate the points and leaves these seeds in for a few days to provide longer relief.
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Fort Bliss, TX 79906
P: (512) 534-5404