Preparing for your Acupuncture Treatment
Fill out new patient intake form found online
Be sure to wear comfortable, loose fitted clothing to your appointment if possible
Always eat a light meal or snack prior to receiving acupuncture
If you feel discomfort at any time, let your practitioner know
Stay well hydrated before and after your treatment
In the case of inclement weather (when local weather service has recommended against travel), Cameron Acupuncture will reschedule all appointments for the safety of the patient and practitioner.
Welcome! We look forward to meeting you at your upcoming appointment. Please complete the intake form online or you can arrive at your appointments 10-15 minutes earlier to fill out the intake form at our office.
New Patient Form
Arriving at your appointment
Please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to allow yourself the time to relax
Cancellation Policy
Thank you for choosing Acupuncture Therapy, as a modality to better enhance your health. In order to provide all patients the best possible care, it is requested to review this policy regarding missed appointments. In order to be respectful of the medical needs of other patients, please be courteous and call if unable to show up for an appointment. Respectfully, understanding this policy permits a great utilization, to reallocate time to patient in need of medical care.
I ask for a 24-hour notice for any appointment cancellation. If you do not call to cancel your appointment 24 hours prior to your appointment or fail to show up your scheduled appointment, a fee of $70 will be assessed to the account and will need to be cleared before further treatments are administered. If appointments were purchased as part of a package, you will have your appointment in the package deducted.
No Call No Show Policy
A “no call/no show” is someone who misses an appointment without cancelling it in an adequate manner. A failure to be present at the time of a scheduled appointment will be recorded in your medical record as a “no call/no show.” A $70 fee will be enforced. If appointments were purchased in a package, then the no call/no show appointment will be deducted from the number of remaining appointments in that package.